IMO, Institute of Ocular
The Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular, IMO (Institute of Ocular Microsurgery) is a leading international ophthalmology centre. They are awarded with the recognition of the medical community, which rated IMO as the best ophthalmologic center in Spain.
The challenge
IMO has an exciting challenge: to investigate the unknown regions of the ABCA4 gen to better understand, because is the gen where are located some of the mutations that cause hereditary dystrophies
of the retina such as Stargardt's disease.
Fundraise around 100.000€ for the first stage of investigation.
We stimulated lateral thinking and got an incredible amount of ideas. At the end, we selected one as a winner: the production of Gafas GENiales (Genius Glasses) the first glasses without
glass that help to see others.
Once the idea was planned and organized, production phase was done thanks to an open collaboration with providers, clients and fashion designers like Custo.
Communication and website campaign
GafasGENiales are been selling in a website campaign and some guidelines about how to use them were created to increase awareness in Instagram.
Media coverage and results
The idea help IMO to fundraise but and at the same time, they reached a great media coverage