Since 2017 the United Nations launched 17 SDGs,
we have designed a co-CreAction experience to boost them.
We propose to share with you our creativity skills, stimulating your lateral thinking to co-create together ideas projects, social innovations that match the SDGs selected for
your company and generate a social and economic impact at the same time.
This kind of ideas are what we call Beat Idea (you see? our logo is a heart...) because they also make beat passionately the heart of your employees, consumers/clients and
groups of interest.
To achieve your Heart Beat Ideas we have developed a Heart People centered methodology, an agile, fun, experiential and
fast-workshops that will make you think from a human experience perspective instead of from commercial point of view. We mix participants with different professions,
backgrounds and skills to enhance the collective intelligence and therefore, results.
Do you join the sustainability challenge?